Response to Miami Herald Article

In response to the article, I think applying the latest technology on the educational systems is very effective. Based on the in experience in this class. Blogs and wikis is a good way to communicate with the instructor and other classmates. we can comment and receive feedback in no time comparing with the traditional way. Yes agree with the author that myspace and online blogs are making better writers

My introduction

We are living in a very complicated solar system, which has not been understood for too long. People in the past thought that the earth was a flat large piece of land located at the center of the universe and that all other stars and planets orbited around it. Most of the astronomical phenomena were misunderstood back then; and one of them was the solar eclipse. It’s a rare phenomenon and according to NASA there will be only eighteen solar eclipses between 1996 and 2020. People were concerned by solar eclipse in all ages. It was surrounded by myths and legends, because people just couldn’t imagine how the sun could disappear in the middle of the day. More than that, it was hard to study because it caused damage to the naked eye when stared at too long. Solar eclipses are an interesting event seeing is has great meanings. This paper will discus how solar eclipse happens, how to see it safely and why is it interesting.

Project 2 Visualizing the Solar Eclipse


* keep one idea to one paragraph

* start a new paragraph when
-When you begin a new idea or point.
-When your readers need a pause.
-When you are ending your introduction or starting your conclusion

* Paragraphing (Length Consistency)
-all paragraphs should be relatively equal in length.(balance)
-long papers can have longer paragraphs. Short papers can have shorter paragraphs.

Interview with Colby

What Colby told me in the interview is that he is going to write about "The Bionic Eye". it look like a very interesting topic for this project . According to Colby the bionic eye implant would allow blind people to be able to "see" live large B&W images. I think that's great step forward for human-being . He also stated that its not very common because of its cost. but these implants went successful.

I think Colby made a great choice when he chose this topic for the second paper.


Effects of Global Warming

This photo was taken in Qatar. In this photo the thermometer of the car showing the outside temperature during summer at noon the temperature was 57 degrees Celsius (135 degrees Fahrenheit ).

This picture is also taken in Qatar but during winter. Every year the record of the lowest temperature recorded in the last 20 years get broken.

this contrast of temperatures between summer and winter must be a Symptom Global Warming.

Page 24 photo

The first thing that attracted my eyes on this photo was the painting on the bottom of the building. The details of the painting makes you stare before you generate questions in your mind. Then you start to look around the painting, until you read the word 'sold' on the door. Which answers all the questions you had in your mind. 
Each square inch of this photo is a chapter of the story. Staring is the only way to read those chapters. This photograph tells a sad story of the last working day in this shop. The owner of this shop was murdered, but the killer was sent to jail. you can clearly read how the community deprecated this drama.
 What makes this photo unique is that we have the message of the photo written with a large font in the middle of the photo "When you take someone's life you forfeit your own"